Description :
Aside from being a delicious vegetable, the healthbenefitsof cucumberare many. A cucumberis actually comprised mostly of water, but the vitamins and mineralspresent in the cucumberare beneficial for the body, as is the fiber in the skin of the cucumber. The healthbenefitsof cucumberalso include acids that can be helpful in treating burns and skin irritations. The vitamins and minerals in the cucumberare also beneficial to connective tissues within the body; they can help strengthen these tissues and help prevent injuries and degradation.
The skin of this vegetable is the source of much of the healthbenefitsof cucumber. The skin contains caffeic acid as well as ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is a good source of Vitamin C, and both acids are good for soothing skin irritations as well as reducing swelling. This is one reason why cucumbers are sometimes applied directly to the skin when swelling or irritation occurs.
Silica is one of the primary healthbenefitsof cucumber. This chemical is extremely beneficial for strengthening and maintaining the healthof connective tissue throughout the body. This category of tissue includes muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and even bone. Silica is also good for the complexion, so people with acneor other dermatological issues are often advised to eat cucumbers or drink the juice from them.
The skin of the cucumbercontains a good amount of fiber, and when the body ingests higher amounts of fiber, higher amounts of water are also necessary to help digestion. The healthbenefitsof cucumberbecome apparent in this regard since the skin features high amounts of fiber, and the pulp of the cucumberis mostly comprised of water, which aids in fiber digestion. Adding cucumberto a salad or meal is a great way to increase fiber intake, especially since the body is more likely to take advantage of the benefitsof the fiber when it is digested properly.
Potassiumand magnesiumare also present in cucumbers. Some studies have shown that people who eat foods rich in fiber, potassium, and magnesium have an easier time lowering their blood pressure. Cucumbers are a power food for lowering blood pressure, since they are high in potassium and magnesium content, as well as fiber. The cucumber should, of course, be combined with other healthy foods that will promote lower blood pressure.
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